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2013年9月2日 星期一

小丑面惹誤會 阿奎諾:笑是憤怒表現

小丑面惹誤會    阿奎諾:笑是憤怒表現


  File:President Benigno Aquino III presidential portrait.jpg

(明報)2010年8月26日 星期四 05:10
【明報專訊】菲律賓    當局拯救人質行動失敗,總統阿奎諾三世成為被攻擊對象。他周一在挾持人質事件現場面對電視採訪時,面帶微笑,被指態度輕佻。他昨日在記者會上道歉,稱那一 笑可能只是「憤怒的表現」。「我的笑容可能被誤解了,開心的時候我會笑,當我遇到非常荒謬的情景時也會笑。若我觸犯到一些人,我道歉。」



阿奎諾三世開設facebook戶口,本意是增加執政透明度和打擊腐敗,目前已有190萬「粉絲」。港人Elfis Lee昨留言:「我為你和你的政府感到羞恥。請現在就辭職。你領導這批未經訓練蠢警察的無能,造成了這一悲劇。」另一網民Jay Rodrigo則稱要代表菲律賓人民向港人道歉,他說:「看,我們的蠢鈍總統在這一切發生之後,就只懂在攝影機前傻笑。他的愚蠢正慢慢殺死我們的國家。」




Philippine President apologizes for smiling after bus hostage crisis

Philippine President apologizes for smiling after bus hostage crisis
Philippine President Benigno Aquino III Wednesday apologized for smiling after a bus hostage crisis that left eight Hong Kong tourists dead, DPA reported.

Aquino smiled a couple of times during a late-night press conference after Monday's 11-hour standoff, which also led to the killing of the hostage-taker, a sacked police officer.

He was also seen smiling while inspecting the bullet-riddled bus at a seaside park in Manila after a botched rescue assault.

Aquino said his facial expression after the tragic ending to the hostage-taking was "more an expression of exasperation rather than anything."

"My smile might have been misunderstood," he told reporters. "If I've offended certain people, I apologize to them. Obviously there was no joy in attending to that situation."

Aquino has received numerous highly critical comments for the way his administration handled the hostage-taking of of 25 people, mostly Chinese tourists from Hong Kong.

In comments on his Facebook account, he was criticized for being "the worst president in history," a "stupid president," a "missing-in-action president" and a "coward president."

Aquino again urged the people and authorities of Hong Kong for understanding over the tragedy.

"We ask for their understanding," he said. "We are correcting deficiencies that we have noted in the implementation of our operating procedures. None of us wanted this outcome."

Philippine President apologizes for smiling after bus hostage crisis

Philippine President apologizes for smiling after bus hostage crisis
Philippine President Benigno Aquino III Wednesday apologized for smiling after a bus hostage crisis that left eight Hong Kong tourists dead, DPA reported.

Aquino smiled a couple of times during a late-night press conference after Monday's 11-hour standoff, which also led to the killing of the hostage-taker, a sacked police officer.

He was also seen smiling while inspecting the bullet-riddled bus at a seaside park in Manila after a botched rescue assault.

Aquino said his facial expression after the tragic ending to the hostage-taking was "more an expression of exasperation rather than anything."

"My smile might have been misunderstood," he told reporters. "If I've offended certain people, I apologize to them. Obviously there was no joy in attending to that situation."

Aquino has received numerous highly critical comments for the way his administration handled the hostage-taking of of 25 people, mostly Chinese tourists from Hong Kong.

In comments on his Facebook account, he was criticized for being "the worst president in history," a "stupid president," a "missing-in-action president" and a "coward president."

Aquino again urged the people and authorities of Hong Kong for understanding over the tragedy.

"We ask for their understanding," he said. "We are correcting deficiencies that we have noted in the implementation of our operating procedures. None of us wanted this outcome."






