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2014年3月3日 星期一



Ohio man leaves starving dog tied to tree for 4 years, gets fined $25: cops 

 In addition to the $25 fine, Temple faces charges of cruelty to a companion animal, having an unlicensed dog, and improper chaining or tethering. The cruelty charge reportedly carries up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. Jeremy Shane Temple was arrested Sept. 27 in Middletown after reports that the German shepherd, since renamed Joseph from Toby, was being mistreated. He faces three charges and penalties beyond the initial fine. Temple reportedly justified the poor, emaciated, flee- and sore-covered pet’s condition by saying, ‘The dog is not human.’

Comments (60)
Updated: Friday, October 4, 2013, 11:39 AM

In addition to the $25 fine, Temple faces charges of cruelty to a companion animal, having an unlicensed dog, and improper chaining or tethering. The cruelty charge reportedly carries up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.


In addition to the $25 fine, Temple faces charges of cruelty to a companion animal, having an unlicensed dog, and improper chaining or tethering. The cruelty charge reportedly carries up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

An Ohio pet owner who allegedly left his starving, flea-infested animal tied to a tree for four years defended his actions by saying, "The dog is not a human."
Jeremy Shane Tempe was arrested at his Middletown home on Sept. 27 after cops were told that the pooch was being mistreated at the property.
The PAWS Adoption Center, a nonprofit, has named the German shepherd Joseph after the biblical figure left for dead by his brothers who later became a leader.


The PAWS Adoption Center, a nonprofit, has named the German shepherd Joseph after the biblical figure left for dead by his brothers who later became a leader.

Officers reportedly arrived to find a mangy, severely emaciated German shepherd tethered to a tree in the backyard.
Covered in sores and tick bites, the poor 60-pound pooch was shedding fur from malnourishment, and most of his teeth had disappeared.
The 60-pound dog was shedding fur from malnourishment. The owner allegedly attributed the dog’s emaciation to summertime weight loss.


The 60-pound dog was shedding fur from malnourishment. The owner allegedly attributed the dog’s emaciation to summertime weight loss.

Temple allegedly told police and Butler County Dog Wardens that the dog’s skeletal appearance was from summertime weight loss.
He reportedly said his dog was being kept in such conditions because "The dog is not a human."
Volunteers at the PAWS Adoption Center say Joseph is doing well during his recovery.


Volunteers at the PAWS Adoption Center say Joseph is doing well during his recovery.

The pet, renamed Joseph from Toby in tribute to the biblical character left for dead by his brothers only to later become a leader, was taken in by the nonprofit PAWS Adoption Center.
Staffers, who have so far spent $1,200 covering the animal’s medical costs, said it was "the worst case of animal abuse" they had ever seen.
Temple was fined $25 and faces charges of cruelty to a companion animal, having an unlicensed dog, and improper chaining or tethering. The maximum penalty for the cruelty charge, a misdemeanor, is said to be six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.
He will reappear in court on Oct. 14.
Volunteers at PAWS said Joseph is "doing better these days" and is expected to make a full recovery before being put up for adoption.

