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2012年12月28日 星期五

21-year-old student wins order against helicopter parents

21-year-old Ohio honor student wins stalking order against helicopter parents who monitored her Internet use and phone calls 

David and Julie Ireland must stay at least 500 feet away from University of Cincinnati student Aubrey Ireland until next September.

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After Aubrey Ireland began to assert her independence, her parents threatened to stop paying for her college education. They even demanded reimbursement for $66,000 in court. The University of Cincinnati offered to pay the bill for the beleaguered young woman.

Aubrey Ireland via Facebook

After Aubrey Ireland began to assert her independence, her parents threatened to stop paying for her college education. They even demanded reimbursement for $66,000 in court. The University of Cincinnati offered to pay the bill for the beleaguered young woman.

Aubrey Ireland’s parents wanted to keep their daughter close – so close that they installed tracking software on the 21-year-old’s phone and computer so that they could monitor every site she visited and every person she talked to.
It was “like I was a dog with a collar on,” said Ireland, a music theater student at the University of Cincinnati.
After three years, the college senior had enough. A judge granted her a stalking order against her parents, the Cincinnati Enquirer reports. David and Julie Ireland have to stay 500 feet away from their daughter at all times and can’t get back in touch with her for a year.
At first, her parents were supportive. Even though Aubrey was offered full scholarships to other acting schools, they agreed to pay for tuition at their daughter’s school of choice.
Aubrey has been on the dean’s list throughout her time as a student at Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music. She often won leading roles in the school’s musicals.
But despite her success, the Irelands’ behavior became more erratic. The helicopter parents would often show up at their daughter’s college unannounced, even though it was a 600 mile drive from their hometown in Leawood, Kan. David and Julie Ireland told the musical theater department head that their daughter had mental issues and needed to be treated. They accused her of being promiscuous and taking illegal drugs.
“It’s just been really embarrassing and upsetting to have my parents come to my university when I’m a grown adult and just basically slander my name and follow me around,” Aubrey said during a court hearing.
Although Aubrey said their accusations were false, the parents had another card up their sleeves. They admitted that they were electronically tracking their daughter’s Internet use and monitoring her phone calls.
Aubrey Ireland

@aubrey_ireland via Twitter

Despite the 600-mile drive, Aubrey Ireland used to receive unannounced visits from her parents,who accused her of promiscuity and drug use. She says her mother assaulted her.

Last year, the student told police that her mother had assaulted her after showing up at her apartment in Cincinnati, according to the Daily Mail. Her mother countered that accusation with one of her own – she said that her daughter was the one who had assaulted her.
Aubrey eventually cut off all contact with her parents. But that didn’t keep them away. The school hired security guards to keep the Irelands out of their daughter’s shows. When they stopped paying her tuition, the school offered to pay for her senior year of college.
When her parents told the University of Cincinnati that they were going to take her away for mental evaluations, Aubrey decided to take action.
On Sept. 24, she filed a civil stalking order against her parents. At a Dec. 10 court hearing, Julie demanded that her daughter pay back the $66,000 her parents had spent on her three years of college. When mediators suggested that the parents, not the daughter, were the problem, the Irelands said that Aubrey was “a good actor and lying.”
“She's an only child who was catered to all her life by loving parents,”' Julie said in court. “We’re not bothering her. We're not a problem.”
Judge Jody Luebbers ruled that, as an adult, Aubrey is allowed to live her life according to her own wishes. The stalking order remains in effect until at least next Sept. 23.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/21-year-old-stalker-parents-tracked-calls-web-article-1.1228274#ixzz2GMaa1h9k

