• VIDEO – The Life of a Hong Kong Tai Tai 闊太生活

    Date: 2012.10.15 | Category: Blog, Video | Tags: ,
    Update 1: Blissfully unaware of the Streisand Effect, tycoon David Chor Ki-kwong and his Bel-air Tai Tai wife Gloria managed to triple the view count on their regrettable ‘Life of a Hong Kong Tai Tai’ video by taking legal action. Lorea Solabarrieta (who has worked for ABC, CNN, NHK and the ever-detestable CCTV) is behind the FreedomLab.tv clip…
    David Chor Ki-kwong has filed a writ in the High Court in a bid to have Life of a Hong Kong Tai Tai, a short documentary featuring his wife and family, removed from YouTube. He has asked for an injunction against its distribution, claiming CCTV journalist Lorea Solabarrieta had breached confidentiality. The 12-minute clip shows his wife showing off their Ferrari, having a pedicure and manicure, exercising in a gym and shopping at brand-name stores. It had few viewers for months until the media reported on the case. It has now been viewed more than 50,000 times. - SCMP
    Update 2The couple won the case and the video has since been removed on grounds that the video was ‘embarrassing’, so reports the South China Morning Mouthpiece. Outside court, Solabarrieta said…
    “I am fighting because it damages my integrity and reputation as a journalist. I don’t want to keep quiet… They are deliberately taking away my freedom by doing this… If you have something private, don’t say anything to journalists.”
    What worrying precedent does this set for politicians or other people in the public eye who suddenly feel ‘embarrassed’ by news segments which they actually volunteered to be featured in? It is no coincidence that HK slid in global press freedom rankings last week.
    In the spirit of journalistic freedom, you can watch the banned video below…
    Life of a Hong Kong Tai Tai
    Click to watch Life of a Hong Kong Tai Tai video (full screen)
    Whilst the production errs on the side of mocking, it’s still difficult to muster much sympathy for self-confessed Tai Tai Gloria Chor. Despite the telling tears at the end, most would probably feel more sorry for their long-suffering maid.
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    via Apple Daily
    Chor, wife of cigarette peddler David, believes she needs to ‘do more for herself’, as she breaks down describing her husband as a busy man with whom she spends little time…
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    Meanwhile, their son (apparently benefiting from a top-class education in Thailand) boasts of his supposed independence… Now what was that quote about the rich being ‘different‘ to the rest of the us?
    Lorea Solabarrieta
    Lorea Solabarrieta forced to remove video